Have you ever met anyone that has one of those infectious personalities. They exude an amount of joy that fills the room. That’s exactly who Chris Swed is. A man that appears to be just a simple business owner is nothing farther from. A husband and dad of a beautiful girl, are just a few of the many hats he wears.
Have you ever looked at someone and thought to yourself I want to be like them. That is Chris for me. He has this amazing personality that would make you want to buy anything from him. He is just one of those guys.
A guy that lives in a movie theater and runs it along with his roasting company you can’t help but find a smile on your face. He isn’t just a guy living in small town Iowa. He is a guy that makes you almost…move back to the town you grew up in to be around him all the time. Almost. During the day it’s a movie theater, but many times after the last movie has ended is when Chris begins to put on a record and roasts coffee into the wee hours of the morning.
See as great as his coffee is Chris has so much more that he offers this world every day. He can teach you what pure joy looks like. I’m not saying he doesn’t have bad days or gets frustrated. What I’m saying is that whenever you are around Chris Swed. You get the best Chris Swed he can offer. He is passionate and a dreamer. He takes what he sees in his head and makes it happen. Not only for himself but for those around him. Making you feel passion towards an idea.
Art is something that is driven from emotion and passion. Its an outward expression of who we are, what you are feeling, it’s personal. Every time I hear Chris’s name what I feel is the support he has for me as an artist, person, and friend. We all need those “Chris Swed’s” in our life. You know who that person is in yours. Because when you find yourself backed up against a wall of uncertainty they are the ones that’ll light a match under you.
You could say that I built a business for myself through photography, you could say that Chris is doing the same with Swed and Co. right now. But when you look back you don’t just see yourself. You may of done all the hard and dirty work, but there are people in your life that have supported you 110%. People that took a chance because they believed in you. The first step to any great building is a strong framework also known as friends.
I want to support Chris like he does me, click the button above to go to his coffee and merch. Do something different and hire him for your wedding, party, or just support a great guy that loves what he does. Because when you drink a cup of Chris’s coffee that he roasted, you can taste the love he has for coffee but even more the love he has for you.